66205 near Stoke Works Jct, Bromsgrove
66205 is seen just north of Stoke Works Jct, Bromsgrove, at 10:54 on Tuesday 6th March 2007. The train is 6M96 Margam - Corby. At this time there were usually two such trains each day, 6M96 ran in the morning and returned empty as 6V93 in the evening. The other was 6M94 which ran overnight and returned empty as 6V92 during the day. In recent years only the latter train has run. 66205 was exported for use in France in the latter half of 2007, one of many such EWS locos to find work abroad as traffic declined in the UK. By early 2018 only 160 of the original 250 EWS Class 66s remained in use with DBC in Britain. 79 had been shipped abroad for use in Europe, 10 had been sold to GBRf and 1 had been withdrawn due to accident damage.