The following tables show details of trains arriving and departing from Rugeley Power Station on six random days in the summer of 2013. They represent typical traffic volumes at the time. There were fixed paths for incoming and outgoing trains, however which paths were used, and the exact origin and destination of the trains, could vary from day-to-day depending on operational requirements.
Traffic volumes at Rugeley declined substantially from April 2015 when significantly higher carbon taxes came into force. Regular daily coal trains ceased in February 2016, and the power station closed in June 2016.
Almost all the coal burnt at Rugeley in its final years was imported through the Bristol ports at Avonmouth and Portbury and the Humber ports at Immingham and Hull. Trains shown as originating at Barrow Hill (near Chesterfield) could have come from one of the few remaining domestic sources, but they were often Immingham trains that had been recessed there.